Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fit Day, Low Carb and Work Outs

Fit Day is turning out to be interesting. It is a bit of a pain to log all your food, but it's also kinda fun when you do it. So far I haven't been eating out much, and when I did, I ordered a bunch of sides that were easy to track (two eggs, and four pieces of linked sausage). At 237 and moderately active ("Mostly Seated With Some Movement"), I was surprised that Fit Life decided that I burn 3,330 calories a day, but then again, it also classifies me as Obese! Okay, so it may not be calibrated for someone 6'1" high and into weight lifting, so I'm assuming that I burn about 2,500 calories a day (probably more, but whatever), and so far in my food tracking I'm under that. My average is 2,100 calories per day and I tend to try and overstate what I've eaten when I'm not sure rather than guess lower so that my total calories fall on the high side. For instance, I had just over a cup of blueberries this morning, but how much over, I'm not sure (I need a measuring cup!) so I just put two cups.

Even if Fit Day is correct about 3,330 calories per day, I don't understand what that means because it changes when I enter activities. For instance, I sleep 8 hours per day, and if I enter that activity, my daily calorie burn drops quite a bit. Work-out for an hour, and bam, I'm up to 3,900 calories per day. Seem suspicious, and I can't find any info on the site for the basis of this calculation. Rest assured that I will do more research.

I've been back on the low carb diet since Sunday. This time around I'm going to cycle it more, doing six days on, one day off, six days on. And my total daily carb intake is going to be a bit higher (around 40 or 50 grams), as I'll still be eating some fruits, especially bananas, to keep my potassium and other nutrient levels up. I need to do more research on the best way to cycle and to spread out my meals (so far, it's about every two to three hours).

My first low carb workout was on Tuesday, and it went well, although I may not have been totally in Ketosis yet. I lifted my max weights (like day 6 of 5's on HST), and had no problems. I'm still doing 215 squats, 205 bench, 120 clean and push, and 50 assisted pull ups. I did increase my back extension weight to 45 lbs., I upped my dead lift to 205 (it can go higher, as I'm not having any problems lifting this, I just want to keep going up slowly so I don't damage myself; I don't have back issues, and I don't want them!). I also upped my incline bench to 145, and I think I can go higher... not sure why my max on this suddenly jumped.

I want to start doing bar-in-front (can't remember the proper term for this) squats to warm up with, because I've found when I do these, I squat better at my max, at least the couple times I've done them. Then I get in the gym and forget up until I'm about to squat my max :P

Oh, and finally, now that I'm doing max weights, I've discovered a weakness in my shoulders that I need to address. When I'm taking two 55 lb dumb bells and lifting them up to my shoulders to do say Arnold Presses, there is a slight pain in my shoulder as I swing them forward and up that feels like a muscle that can't handle that weight. I think Kettle Bells or similar style exercise movements will address this, so I'm looking into it.

This morning I did 20 minutes elliptical (320 calories), three minutes of jump rope and two minutes of jumping jacks.

Then I weighed in at just under 235.

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