Friday, April 10, 2009


Well, with lots and lots of stuff going on (traveling, significant vows taken by people, conferences where lots of friends came to visit, family in town, etc.) I skipped a week of HST and rather than pick up where I left off, I decided to do a reboot. I did day 5 of 15's yesterday and it went great, probably in part because I had to skip two days while I was up in Vancouver for business (so I had an extra day of recovery in there, although I did do some cardio in the hotel gym the day before). I just got back from doing some light cardio in the gym this morning, including a new record of 2 1/2 minutes of jump-roping (hey! it's f*cking hard!) and I'm looking forward to day 6 of 15's tomorrow morning.

Work is getting VERY busy with travel and the season push to get products out, so making time for the gym is getting more challenging, but I've been through this before and I think I can keep it up.

What I haven't been able to keep up is low carb - it's just tough when you are traveling so I'm "trying" to eat right, or at least eat reasonable portions. But it's difficult for me becuase I'm such a food lover, so I have my doubts I'll loose anymore weight. But not running a carb deficit does make the work-outs easier, and maybe I'll pack on more muscle this way.

I'll do some pics soon.

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