Sunday, March 15, 2009

Round 2: HST Day 3

Well, I did in fact make it into the gym later that day, and it was awesome. I felt really strong but challenged throughout my entire workout, even doing very close to my full set of lunges. Interestingly enough, I found that by the end of my workout I was pretty thirsty, despite drinking a fair amount of water before and during my workout... I'm going to need to watch that moving forward as the last thing you need when hitting the gym hard is to get dehydrated.

Later that day, I could feel how I destroyed myself in lots of great ways, but the next day, today, I felt great, like I could seriously go right back into the gym again. I didn't of course, but it was nice to see my body had adjusted to my routine again. Oh, and I took a nap yesterday, then got lots of sleep last night, so I'm sure that helped, AND I finally bought some casein protein that I'm using along with Whey, the later for quick protein hits and the later for longer term absorption, like for right before I go to bed. New protein and lots of rest, as well as a week into a routine seems to be a good mix.

Both yesterday and today I've been pretty solidly in ketosis... actually yesterday evening when I checked (a few hours after the work-out) I was in crazy red-stick ketosis. The cool thing is that this time I don't feel much weaker than before. Of course, I haven't been not in ketosis or on the verge of being so for months, so what do I know about feeling weak or strong anymore?

Yesterday's weigh-in: 234 exactly. I may have still been a bit dehydrated, but I didn't hold back post-workout in drinking as much water out of the fountain as I could before I weighed in.

Skipped today to really rest the body (even though I REALLY wanted to go in because I felt so good), but tomorrow morning I'm planning on do something light cardio to take advantage of being in ketosis (and wake me up; I find I don't fully wake up during the day, or at least it takes a much longer time, if I don't get a work-out in).

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